Hey Carolyn, I've been on a Bipap for about five years but can vividly remember having to get used to it. The nurse at the sleep clinic gave me the honest truth when she said "You will hate this and it will feel terrible for a couple of weeks." It did feel awful and like nothing I had ever experienced up till then. It only took a couple of weeks though and now unless I have a leak I really cannot feel it anymore. I can certainly feel when I don't have it on though. I've had to up the pressure settings a couple of times since I started. Good luck with yours. Sarah.
Best posts made by Sarah
RE: Chaging from CPAP to BiPAP
RE: Accessible Hotel Accommodation
@Nadelle-M All the time. That is why we travel with bed extenders and also use sites like accessible accommodation and have wheelchair will travel to get feedback from other people who have stayed there. https://www.accessibleaccommodation.com.au/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1v__zfT46QIVy34rCh21QQKLEAAYASAAEgKmr_D_BwE, https://havewheelchairwilltravel.net/. If going somewhere it is worth asking either of those communities if someone else has been there.
RE: All Terrain Powerchair Recommendations wanted
Hi Angela, Is this as their primary wheelchair? The cons for me when looking at these is their bulkiness and ability to get under ordinary tables etc and how much room they need to be transported. I'm a suburban wheelchair user who doesn't go off paved surfaces all that often and who has to transport my chair regularly. If those were not considerations though a all terrain would be very attractive to me. As you can swap out backrests and cushions with most of them comfort really comes down to trying a variety of set ups like any other chair. Sarah
RE: Chaging from CPAP to BiPAP
@Carolyn hey Carolyn just checking in on how you are going. I hope your now having no issues and it is now routine.
Great work with the RATS guardian article
Re: Chaging from CPAP to BiPAP
Hey Carolyn. I was just on a PWDA forum where they announced RATS now can be claimed through NDIS. I'm sure your work played some part in that well done.